Flagged Dates

A Flagged Date is an Onah that may need to be observed with some type of Harchaka restrictions (הרחקות).

Luach calculates Flagged dates for all Entries and active Kavuahs in the list.

By default, Luach DOES NOT show Flagged Dates that are within a few days after a period began.
This is to prevent clogging up the calendar with Flagged Dates that are irrelevant - as these days will need to be observed in any case with the strictest Niddah restrictions due to the period.
This setting can be changed by toggling the "Don't show Flagged dates for week after Entry" Setting from the Settings Screen.

Luach calculates past flagged and future Flagged Dates that can be calculated up until the number of months set in the Setting "Number of Months Ahead To Warn".

On the Main Screen, any Flagged Dates will be colored in be yellow and a red flag will be shown.
The flag can be pressed to view the details for this Flagged Date.

On the Month View Screen as well, Flagged Dates will have a yellow colored background.

Dates that may be Flagged

There are a few different situations that can cause Luach to generate Flagged dates.

Day 30
The 30th day after the beginning of a period.
On this day, some observe only the same Onah that the period began and others keep the entire day. If there is a Kavuah that is set to Cancels Onah Beinonis, then the 30th day will not be flagged for any Entry that occurred after the Kavuah was set.
Day 31
Most contemporary Halachic authorities maintain that one should also observe the 31st day after the beginning of a period. It is interesting to note that if the Jewish month that the period was in had a full 30 days (about half the Jewish months), it will not matter whether or not one is observing the 31st day, as the 31st day will the same day as the Yom Hachodesh. Due to this settings widespread prevalence, in Luach, the 31st day is flagged by default.
To prevent Luach from flagging the 31st day, go to the Settings Screen, and turn off the setting: "Keep day Thirty One for Onah Beinonis". If there is a Kavuah that is set to Cancels Onah Beinonis, then the 31st day will not be flagged for any Entry that occurred after the Kavuah was set.
Yom Hachodesh - Day of Month
The same day of the month as a period for the month following a period. This is known as the Yom Hachodesh.
On this day, some observe only the same Onah that the period began and others keep the entire day. If there is a Kavuah that is set to Cancels Onah Beinonis, then the Yom Hachodesh will not be flagged for any Entry that occurred after the Kavuah was set.
The day that is the same number of days after the previous period as the interval between that period and the one before it.
This is known as the Yom Haflaga.
To calculate the Yom Haflaga, both days that the period started upon them are counted.
So for example, if one period started on the 1st if the month and the next one started on the 15th of the month, this is a Haflaga of 15.
In this case, the 29th of the month needs to be observed as the Yom Haflaga.
On this day, some observe only the same Onah that the period began and others keep the entire day. If there is a Kavuah that is set to Cancels Onah Beinonis, then the Haflaga day will not be flagged for any Entry that occurred after the Kavuah was set.
If there is an active Kavuah, it will always generate Flagged Dates.
Each type of Kavuah generates Flagged dates according to its own particular pattern.
The Ohr Zarua
For each of the Flagged Dates mentioned above, besides for the actual Onah that needs to be observed, many people also observe the previous Onah as well.
This is in accordance with the opinion of the Ohr Zarua.
It is important to note that during the Onah of the Ohr Zarua, the Harchaka restrictions will usually be greatly reduced.
If you are unsure about if or how to observe the Ohr Zarua, please consult with your Rav.
By default, Luach will flag the previous Onah with an indication this it is for the Ohr Zarua.
To prevent Luach from Flagging the Ohr Zarua, go to the Settings Screen, and turn off the setting: "Flag previous Onah".

The Flagged Dates Screen

This screen shows all the upcoming Flagged Dates.
The number of months in advance shown is dependent upon the Number of Months ahead to warn setting which can be set from the Settings Screen.
For each Flagged Date, the background color (dark or light) is set according to which Onah needs to be kept for it.
The icon shown by each Flagged Date is also either a sun or a moon according to the Onah.
Each Flagged Date in the Flagged Date Screen will have an action link to go to its date.

Export the Upcoming Flagged Dates List

You can save your list of the upcoming Flagged Dates outside of Luach by exporting the list.
To do this, press on the Export Data button which is found at the top right of the Flagged Dates Screen.
You will shown the Export Data Screen with the Flagged Dates option selected.
On the Export Data Screen when you click the "Export to Email" button, your default email client will open up in "compose" mode, with an email containing all of the upcoming Flagged Dates.
In addition, a spreadsheet containing all of the upcoming Flagged Dates will be attached to the email.
It is advisable to send the email to yourself and to keep it as a backup of your data.
Flagged Dates Screen The Flagged Dates Screen
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