
In Luach, an Entry is a euphemism for a period. (The Halachic term for a period is a "seeing" - ראיה).

Entries are the most basic piece of information that needs to be retained in order to keep a valid Halachic calendar.

The goal of keeping track of entries is threefold:

  1. To keep track of when a Hefsek Tahara can be done.
  2. To calculate which days of the following month need to be observed as Flagged Days.
  3. To calculate Kavuahs.

Luach uses the list of Entries to automatically calculate the Flagged Dates and possible Kavuahs.

Add New Entry

There are two ways to add New Entries into Luachs Entry list:
  1. On The Main Screen or the Month View Screen, navigate to the Jewish date for the day the period began, and press on the New Entry button.
    The New Entry Screen will open, with that date selected.
  2. From the main menu on the left, press on the Entries button to open the Entries List Screen and then press on the New Entry button.

Entry Properties

The following are the properties that make up an Entry:
Jewish Date
The day, month and year of the Jewish Date for the beginning of the period. When adding a new Entry, Luach allows you to select the date by either Jewish or Secular date.
When setting an Entry date by selecting a Secular date, please keep in mind that the Jewish Date changes at sunset while the Secular date does not change until midnight.
This may cause the incorrect Jewish date to be selected.
To help with this, on the New Entry Screen, Luach will show you what time sunset is for your location.
Each Jewish day is divided into two "Onahs"; the Night Onah and the Day Onah.

If the period began between sunset and sunrise, the Entry is considered to have occurred during the Night Onah. If it began between sunrise and sunset, it is considered to have occurred during the Day Onah.

Luach is able to give you the time of sunset and sunrise for any location around the globe for any date. Make sure that you have selected your current location on the Settings Screen, and that your device has the correct time and time zone for your location.

If the time of the start of the period is very close (within about 13 minutes) of the sunset or sunrise time, it is strongly advisable to contact your Rav to help determine the correct date and Onah for that Entry.

The Haflaga is the number of days (or partial days) between the previous Entry and this one. Upon the addition of an Entry, Luach automatically works out the Haflaga from the previous Entry.

Non-Vesset Entries

It is very important to note that not every seeing is considered a Halachic Vesset Entry.
For example, staining and the like are usually not considered Halachic Entries even those that require the Niddah restrictions.
Any seeing is not a regular monthly period, needs Rabbinic determination whether or not to record it as a regular Entry.

In Luach, when an Entry is added, by default, it is assumed to be a regular period. In cases where it was determined that it should not be recorded as a regular Entry, Luach has two special options that can be set for each Entry.
On the New Entry Screen, just above the "Add Entry" button, press on "Show Advanced Entry Options".
Two special advanced options will appear that can be set for this Entry:

  1. Not a Halachic Vesset period. Should not generate Flagged Dates
  2. Ignore this Entry in Kavuah calculations
If you have reason to believe that the current Entry should not be registered as a regular period but you do not fully understand these advanced options, leave them alone for now and consult your Rabbi.

Entry Patterns

Whenever an Entry is added or changed, Luach looks over the list of Entries to check for one of the following.

Vesset Kavuah
A Vesset Kavuah is a Halachic term describing when a women has multiple periods in a recurring pattern.
When a women has a set pattern, it is expected that periods will continue to occur in this pattern. This is until the pattern has been proven to have "broken".
Kavuah setting and breaking is a very complex Halachic issue and should aways be accompanied with Rabbinic guidance.
There are many ways that recurring periods can be considered to have occurred in a pattern.
Luach automatically calculates and suggests possible Kavuhas whenever an Entry is added or updated.
If a possible Kavuah is found, Luach will show The Possible Kavuah Screen.
See the Kavuah documentation page for more details about Kavuahs.
"Broken" Kavuah Pattern
The same way that a pattern of Entries sets a Kavuah, a set of Entries that does not match the Kavuah can "break" the Kavuah pattern.
If there was a Kavuah pattern set previously and is still Active, Luach will check to see if this Entry has "broken" that Kavuahs pattern.
If there is a Kavuah found that Luach thinks may have been broken by this Entry, you will be asked if you want to set that Kavuah to not active.
A Kavuah that is not active does not set any Flagged Dates.
Once again, Kavuah setting and breaking is a very complex Halachic issue and should aways be accompanied with Rabbinic guidance.
"Re-awakened" Kavuah Pattern
For many Kavuah types, even if the Kavuah pattern was "broken" by a set of Entries that were out of pattern, they can be reawakened again with a single Entry that matches the original pattern.
So, whenever an Entry is added or changed, Luach will check to see if this Entry matches the pattern for any inactive Kavuahs.
If one is found, Luach will ask if you wish to set this Kavuah to Active.
Once again, Kavuah setting and breaking is a very complex Halachic issue and should aways be accompanied with Rabbinic guidance.
"Out of Pattern" for a "Canceling" Kavuah
If there is a Kavuah that is active and that is set to Cancel Onah Beinonis, whenever an Entry is added or edited, Luach checks to assure that the new Entry is not "Out of Pattern".
If the new Entry does not match the pattern set by the Kavuah, Luach will ask if you wish to remove the Cancel Onah Beinonis property for that Kavuah.
The New Entry Screen The New Entry Screen

The Entry List Screen


The list of Entries that have been added can be viewed from the Entries List Screen.

In the Entry List, the Entries are shown sorted to show the most recent Entries on top and the oldest ones on the bottom.

To assist in giving a glancing overview of the Entry list trends, each Entries background color (dark or light) is set according to which Onah it occurred in.
The icon shown by each Entry is also either a sun or a moon according to the Entries Onah.

Each Entry has the following option buttons:

Go To Date
Pressing this will take you to the Jewish calendar date when the Entry started.
This will take you to the Edit Entry Screen, to change any of the Entry's properties (including the advanced ones).
This option will not be shown for an Entry that is the Setting Entry for a Kavuah.
New Kavuah
This will take you to the New Kavuah screen to add a new Kavuah.
For this new Kavuah, this Entry will be used as it's Setting Entry.
This will totally remove this Entry from the list.
Once removed, it is gone. The only way to add it again, is to add it as a New Entry.
If any Kavuahs have this Entry set as their Setting Entry these Kavuahs will be removed as well.
Before deleting any Entries or Kavuahs, Luach will ask you to confirm the removal.
If you remove or change an Entry that was one of the Entries used in calculating a Kavuah but is NOT the final Setting Entry for that Kavuah, removing that Entry will not remove or change that Kavuah in Luach's Kavuah List.
It is therefore suggested whenever removing or changing an Entry, to look over the Kavuah List to make sure that none of them needs to be changed, removed or added.

Export your Entry List

You can save your list of Entries outside of Luach by exporting the list.
To do this, press on the Export Data button which is found at the top right of the Entry List Screen.
You will shown the Export Data Screen with the Entries option selected.
On the Export Data Screen when you click the "Export to Email" button, your default email client will open up in "compose" mode, with an email containing all of your Entries.
In addition, a spreadsheet containing all of your Entries will be attached to the email.
It is advisable to send the email to yourself and to keep it as a backup of your data. NOTE: It is not (yet) possible to IMPORT data into Luach.
If you need to restore your data, it will need to be done manually.
The Entry List Screen The Entry List Screen
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